A certain Peter
Title: A certain Peter
(In Peer Gynt in which Ibsen would have wanted to write)
Characters: Many characters can be done with 5 actors and 2 actresses.
Stage setting: Does not require one.
Summary: 7 scenes that follow the life of a present Pedro inspired in the Peer Gynt of Ibsen, but with structure, characters and scenes that are completely original.
Type of theater: drama with humor.
Vital trajectory throughout the life and death, reality and fiction, the town and world, the country and the city… in search of an “authentic me”.
- Showing in the RESAD Theater under the direction of Alberto Castrillo. 2003
- Season in the Galileo of Madrid Theater. 2004
- Tour through festivals in Spain and Europe, including those in Braislava and the Ibsen of Norway Festival. 2004
- Programmed for the Dramatic Center in Oslo in August 2006.
Young creation award from the Community of Madrid 2004.
The critics have said:
“It´s a modern piece, agile, well constructed in its complexity and well developed… In ‘A Certain Pedro’ there are hooligans, pimps, dreams of power, women who are betrayers before being betrayed, kings, assholes! and cannibals. And, over cynicism and lies, is a layer of aspiration and comprehension and harmony.”
Javier Villán. “El Mundo”
“Ramírez de Haro´s text shines for its intelligence, its irony, and its sensibility enlivened with precise harmonies.”
Juan Ignacio García Garzón. “ABC”
“’A Certain Pedro’ resembles a compendium of Latin characters, an amalgam of passion, frenzy, virility, sweat and sex which relates these characters to our tradition.”
Pratk.k of Bartislava
Translated by Natalia Perellón
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